Cheers to the Weekend: Caramel Apple Slab Pie

The last slab pie I made on the blog, S’mores Slab Pie, was such a big hit that I decided I needed to try my hand on another variation. It just had to be done (but I’m most definitely not complaining about it). If there’s one thing I’ve learned through the years of blogging, it’s that people really love pie. Like take all my money and give me all your pie type of love. Do you know what people love more than pie though? A giant pie baked in a large baking sheet. I think it’s because of the perfect even ratio of crust and filling, but also because it feeds the neighborhood and really gives you the opportunity to eat a lot of pie. What’s so wrong with that? This mouth-watering Caramel Apple Slab Pie situation is brought to you in partnership with Go Bold With Butter because we all know that apple pie would not be possible without copious amounts of butter. They go hand in hand. If you’re looking for a great weekend baking project, I think you just found it. Either way there’s never been a more appropriate time to say, Cheers to the Weekend! This is major Cheers to the Weekend vibes. 

The first thing we need to handle is cooking the apples slightly in brown sugar, spices, and lemon juice. Combine it all in a very large heavy duty cast iron pot and cook, stirring often, for about 10 minutes. 

**Note: You are not looking to cook the apples to the point of mush, but rather just soften them ever so slightly. What this does is caramelize them a bit a deepen the flavor of the spices and sugar.**

Because this is a slab pie, we’re going to need a lot of homemade pie crust. I like to make it ahead of time and chill it in the fridge, keep it there until ready to make this pie. I had to make a double batch of my go-to pie crust recipe. You’ll find it along with the recipe for this pie, so it’s all good. 

**Note: If you really don’t have the time and don’t want to make the dough from scratch, you can most definitely use store-bought pie dough, but just keep in mind that you’ll have to get several of them and will have to work with the fact that typically they come in circle shapes.**

Roll out half of the dough and line a 12 by 16-inch baking pan with the crust. Then pile on the cooled apples and spread them out in an even layer. 

**Tip: Don’t pour in all of the extra liquid that’s in the pan with the apples. You don’t want the crust to get too soggy especially since we’re going to be adding some salted caramel onto the apples.**

Drizzle the apples with lots (or as much as you’d like) of the homemade salted caramel. If you’ve just spent a bunch of time making the crust from scratch and peeling all of those apples for the filling, then I give you my permission to use store-bought caramel. It doesn’t have to be salted; that caramel ice cream topping would work fine too. 

Then roll out the second half of dough and cut into strips so you can lattice this bad boy. I cut out little festive leaf shapes as well and put them in the corners because I was feeling the autumn love. 

**Tip: If you don’t want to lattice the pie, you can totally just slap a rolled out dough on top, just make sure to make a few slits on the top to allow steam to escape.**

Brush the crust with egg wash and sprinkle with turbinado sugar (if you happen to have some on hand). Bake until golden brown and bubbly, about 45 minutes to 1 hour. 

Remove from the oven and allow the pie to cool for at least 2 hours before slicing and serving. I know that waiting that long seems like the worst decision ever, but it’s really needed so that the pie juices settle and it doesn’t just fall apart when you go to cut into it. 

I like to cut them into giant squares, and serve them with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and of course some more salted caramel drizzled on top because we only have one life to live and we might as well live it to the fullest. 

If you have any leftovers, you can wrap the pie in plastic and store in the fridge for up to 4 days. Just rewarm the slices in the oven for a few minutes or nuke them in the microwave for a few seconds before eating. Just make sure you warm it up because cold apple pie seems like it should be illegal. 

This pie is a great one to keep in mind this fall when you’re in need of a giant pie to feed a large crowd. You don’t have to cut them as large as I did, so you can most definitely feed many many people! It’s also a great treat for someone’s birthday because birthday pie is something I can totally get behind. 

**Thank you for your continued support of the occasional sponsored post on this site. They help keep the blog going, allowing me to continue to share my recipes with you on a weekly basis. I never want my sponsorships to feel forced, which is why I only partner with companies I feel very passionate about and actually use on a regular basis.**

**Click here to get the recipe for this Caramel Apple Slab Pie**

Join the Conversation

  1. Gorgeous pie, Jonathan! I’ve never thought of making it in a rectangle but that is such a great idea. I’ll have to add that to my Thanksgiving menu. I may have to make an extra in a dry run before the big day. Have a great weekend.

  2. I cannot find the recipe! When I click on the Jump to the recipe bar it doesn’t go there.

    1. check the link below all the images “**Click here to get the recipe for this Caramel Apple Slab Pie**”. That link seemed to work for me.

  3. I have added this to my Thanksgiving menu – will follow-up w how it turns out – thx u!

  4. I so appreciate your balance between totally made from scratch and semi-homemade. As much as I like to challenge myself with totally homemade, it’s nice to see the recognition of, “if you don’t have time,” or “if you’re not feeling up to it” for things like pie crust and caramel sauce.

    This recipe looks delicious!

  5. I’ve always wanted to make a pie to bring to work, but one pie would never be enough. The slab version was perfect, though, with a few pieces leftover to take home. I doubled the cinnamon and the allspice because I love those flavors, and I made cinnamon ice cream to go with it. It turned out really well, which is a bit surprising, because I’ve never made pie crust before! Thanks for sharing this delicious recipe.

  6. Hello! I can’t get to the actual recipe. Can you help me?

  7. I take it back… found the recipe. Can’t wait to try it.

  8. Sarah M Thompson says:

    What is the pan you are using?? Must know I love it 🙂

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