Eggs Benedict Casserole

Eggs Benedict CasseroleWith Mother’s Day just around the corner I think it’s high time we talk about a recipe that our mothers will enjoy. Now, I’m in the mindset that every day should be Mother’s Day, and that we shouldn’t only put emphasis to the women who sacrificed and raised us with unconditional love, on this particular day. Rather, we should remember to thank them as much as possible and tell them we love them as often as we can. Even if we’re not fortunate enough to have them around anymore, well, let’s remember them always. So I guess what I’m trying to say is that this post is dedicated to all the women out there that have cared for and loved children, whether they physically gave birth to them or not. A mother is a strong woman who makes the world a better place by providing love to those in need. I could go on and on about how amazing my mother is and how she’s the best in the world, but I won’t because she knows this, I tell her all the time. I also won’t do it because she isn’t the only one out there. With that being said, in developing that perfect Mother’s Day recipe, I did take inspiration from my mother’s favorite brunch dish and that of course is Eggs Benedict. This Eggs Benedict Casserole, in partnership with my friends over at GO BOLD WITH BUTTER, is that ultimate breakfast and/or brunch dish that will have everyone thoroughly impressed; including your mother. 

Let’s start with the English muffins, which are a vital part to any eggs benedict dish. Split open each English muffin and then cut each piece in half. Arrange the slices on a baking sheet and drizzle with 2 tablespoons melted butter and bake until golden brown, about 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool slightly.

**Note: Because you want the muffins to soak up enough of the egg custard mixture, it’s best if these are slightly stale or a couple of days old!**

Place half of the English muffin pieces in the prepared baking dish. Top with half of the Canadian bacon. Repeat with the remaining bread and bacon.

In a large bowl, whisk together the milk, eggs, salt, pepper, onion powder and garlic powder. 

Carefully pour the mixture into the baking dish, over the bread and bacon. Cover with foil and chill for at least 4 hours or overnight. This will allow the bread to soak up the egg mixture. When ready, bake in a preheated 375covered 35 minutes. Remove the foil and bake until the casserole is golden brown and a knife comes out clean when inserted in the middle, about 15 to 18 minutes.

**Note: You can make this ahead of time and just keep it in the fridge until ready to bake! It makes breakfast or brunch planning so much easier!**

While the casserole bakes, make the hollandaise sauce. Whisk the egg yolks and lemon juice in a large bowl until pale and doubled in size. Place over a pot with barely simmering water and cook, stirring constantly, until the egg yolks have warmed through, about 5 minutes.

Keep the heat low and continue to whisk so as to not cook the eggs. Slowly whisk in the melted butter in a slow steady stream until the mixture comes together smoothly and has doubled and thickened. Season with salt and cayenne pepper. Cover and keep warm until ready to serve.

**Note: If the sauce thickens too much as it sits, you can whisk in a tablespoon or so of warm water to loosen it up.**

Once the casserole is done, remove from the oven and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Top with the warm hollandaise sauce and garnish with chives and paprika before serving.

If you plan on baking the casserole ahead of time, just bake and keep warm by covering in foil and then pour the hollandaise on top and garnish right before serving. 

It’s a great centerpiece to any brunch or breakfast feast. Serve it with roasted country potatoes, a simple green salad or even cut fresh fruit on the side. It’s also a perfect pot luck dish that you can bring and impress everyone with!

If you do bring this to a potluck I recommend keeping the hollandaise separate and have people drizzle it on themselves after it’s been sliced and served. That way the casserole doesn’t get too soggy from the sauce just sitting on top of it. 

If you’re a big fan of Eggs Benedict and just need to have it all the time when you go out for breakfast or brunch, then I’d have to say this dish is for YOU. I hope you’ll give it a try soon or make it for your mother this Sunday because she would definitely be incredibly happy about it. I’m just dropping a bit of hint here for you.

**Thank you for your continued support of the occasional sponsored post on this site. They help keep the blog going, allowing me to continue to share my recipes with you on a weekly basis. I never want my sponsorships to feel forced, which is why I only partner with companies I feel very passionate about and actually use on a regular basis.**

**Click Here for the Eggs Benedict Casserole Recipe!**

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  1. Glen Buchanan says:

    I’m Canadian- so what is “Canadian bacon”? As far as I know we eat the same bacon as the rest of the world. Thanks!

    1. I don’t know what to say, it must be an American product because it’s sold everywhere here as “Canadian Bacon.” I found this on the web: “Canadian bacon” or “Canadian-style bacon” is the American name for a form of back bacon that is cured, smoked and fully cooked, trimmed into cylindrical medallions, and thickly sliced. Canadian” bacon is made only from the lean eye of the loin and is ready to eat. Its flavor is described as more ham-like than other types because of its lean cut.

    2. Hi Glen, another Canadian here – Jonathan is correct, what is called “Canadian Bacon” in the U.S. is sold as “back bacon” here, it comes in either pre-sliced medallions or large chunks and is already cooked so just needs reheating. I’ve never known why it is called Canadian Bacon 🙂

  2. Sarah Aguilar says:

    You describe the dish beautifully but the link to the recipe is not working.

    1. I just checked the link and it seems to be working on my end. Would you check and again and let me know?

  3. melissa demarie says:

    where’s the recipe the link isn’t working

    1. The link at the bottom of the post seems to be working for me.

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